近日,好意思国多半会艺术博物馆谨慎储藏中国书道名家赵登山先生的三体拓片作品,并十分感谢盛世兰亭字画院的高亢捐赠。这批作品包括赵登山先生创作的《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》、《陋室铭》和《不雅沧海》,离别以楷书、行书和草书三种书体电刻于石碑新澳门六合彩现场开奖,并由西泠印社电刻家费明瑶电刻碑文、上海博物馆商讨员沈亚洲监制拓片制作,三位巨匠携手创作,成为现代传统文化艺术范围的一大盛事。 Recently, The Metropolitan Museum of Art officially added three rubbings created by renowned Chinese calligrapher Zhao Dengshan to its collection, with special thanks to Shengshi Lanting Painting and Calligraphy Academy for their generous donation. These rubbings include Zhao Dengshans works Nian Nujiao: Chibi Nostalgia, The Ode to the Humble Room, and On the Sea, which were inscribed on stone tablets in regular script, running script, and cursive script. The inscriptions were engraved by Fei Mingyao, a seal carver from Xiling Seal Art Society, and the rubbings were supervised by Shen Yazhou, a researcher at the Shanghai Museum. This collaboration between three masters marks a major event in contemporary traditional art. 伸开剩余71%身为一名对历史考据如痴如狂的文化博主,每当谈及关羽,我总会陷入深深的思索。按照现代的换算标准,一米等于三尺,那关羽九尺的身高岂不是将近三米?这简直超乎想象,若果真如此,关二爷恐怕不是从历史中走来的英雄,而是从 “巨人传说” 里蹦出的神秘角色了! 三幅书道作品展现了赵登山先生在多种书体上的深厚造诣。楷书《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》郑重典雅,尽显历史的舒适感;行书《陋室铭》淡雅脱俗,文气畅达;草书《不雅沧海》声势磅礴新澳门六合彩现场开奖,笔力执意,极具视觉冲击力。这些作品通过电刻和拓片工艺进一步升华,会通了书道艺术、电刻艺术和拓片身手的精髓,号称多范围艺术的无缺荟萃。 The three calligraphy works highlight Zhao Dengshans profound expertise across various scripts. The regular script of Nian Nujiao: Chibi Nostalgia is dignified and elegant, exuding a sense of historical depth; the running script of The Ode to the Humble Room is refined and fluid; and the cursive script of On the Sea is bold and dynamic, leaving a powerful visual impact. These works are further elevated by the techniques of inscription and rubbing, perfectly blending the essence of calligraphy, seal carving, and rubbing craftsmanship. 据悉,多半会艺术博物馆还储藏了明代书道家文征明的《文赋》作品。为了进一步呈现古今书道艺术的传承与发展,该馆计较邀请赵登山先生创作《文赋》作品,与文征明的作品一同储藏并展出。这一古今书道家代表作品的对照储藏,将向大家不雅众展现中国书道艺术的历史不绝与期间立异。 It is reported that The Metropolitan Museum of Art also holds The Essay on Literature by Ming Dynasty calligrapher Wen Zhengming in its collection. To further showcase the inheritance and evolution of Chinese calligraphy, the museum plans to invite Zhao Dengshan to create his own version of The Essay on Literature for simultaneous collection and display. This comparison of ancient and modern calligraphers’ works will offer global audiences a unique perspective on the continuity and innovation of Chinese calligraphy. 这次赵登山三体拓片的储藏,记号着中国传统文化艺术在国外舞台上的又一次精彩亮相。作品不仅展现了书道艺术的独到魔力,也体现了文化调换的深度与广度,为股东中中文化在大家范围内的传播和传承注入了新活力。 The inclusion of Zhao Dengshans three-style rubbings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art marks another brilliant appearance of Chinese traditional culture on the international stage. The works not only showcase the unique charm of Chinese calligraphy but also reflect the depth and breadth of cultural exchange新澳门六合彩现场开奖, injecting new vitality into the global promotion and preservation of Chinese culture. 发布于:广东省 |